Pleasure in depression

DEPRESSION is not a sign of weakness it is a sign that you have been trying to be strong for too long.

I guess too long holiday can make me fall into a state of depression. Boredom. I need a life. I have been trying so hard to go trough the holiday. Duduk di rumah menjadi surirumah memang bukan kerja yang ditakdirkan untuk saya. Memasak, basuh baju, mengemas..these are all things that I have been doing repetitively for about a week. Memang salute pada suri rumah - suri rumah sepenuh masa ni. 

Dan menurut kaunselor, saya adalah orang yang mudah bosan dengan benda yang sama. Hoh! This explain why I'm depressed! I cannot stand doing repetitive things. 

And that explain why I'm still single now. HAHAHAHA! *cough cough*

Tapi saya tak pernah bosan dengan awak. *wink*

I bet most of us pun ada sindrom ni kan. But for me it is not serious. Haihh...but for now I need excitement. Oh where are thou?

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